Here you can find various projects I’ve did either myself or with others.
Gustav Jansson
Score points by building chains and destroying them with explosions.
Play as a the evil goat and kill innocent small rabbits and kill the heroes.
This ludum dare I spent most of the time on the transitions and never really had the time to make the gmaeplay interesting. It’s function but not much else. It’s unfortunate since I really like the graphics and transitions.
Play as a cat, a rat or a skunk , their children and their childrens children. Die, mate and evolve while killing squiggles.
As one of 2 programmers in a team of four we made a turn based octopus game where you kill your enemies by fighting them and detaching limbs for more attackpower.
Basic 2d shooter that never ends. Becomes a little tactical since the different enemies require you to aim and a limmited amount of bullets force you to venture to the middle of the level.
Move the cursors away from the red items, charge and explode converting all reds into blue scores that need to be picked up before red can convert them.
Somewhat inspired by a mini game seen from somewhere and it shows. Not really a good game but kinda fun and from concept to implementation was less than a day so that’s good I guess.
Find out the meaning of life while surfing on your beard.
Pretty basic platformer made for ludum dare in 48 hours. Surprisingly fun because of the unlimited air dashing and matching sound effects.
Climb around, throw stones at monkeys and find treasures. A somewhat failed attempt at humor in games and long boring/grinding levels.