This blog is a try to me keep motivates and a way to see my progress on my current projects. Let’s see how it goes!
Gustav Jansson
This week I added tags to blaggen.
This week I decided to not continue working on porting markdeep and instead focus on finishing blaggen to working state so I can continue… work on other more fun things.
This week I continued working on blaggen, completing my custom template engine and starting to port markdeep to c#.
This week I continued work on blaggen and started writing my custom template engine, it’s not done yet but should be done “soon”
This week I added todo and started to refactor code in the blaggen project. A few fun features and some serious contenders to rival the giants. Kinda exciting…
This week I started watching Star Trek TNG. I had a power blackout and was forced to spend time fixing my non-booting computer. I also opened up my static page generator and tried to understand the structure but need some more time to remember where I left off before I can continue and complete it.
This week I mostly watched netflix (again). I decided that I probably will take a brake from bosca porting and get back to my editor ride or my static page generator blaggen. Time will tell…
This week I didn’t program much. I caught a cold at the end of the week so not much done then either. Better luck next week I guess.
This week I decided to port bosca ceoil from adobe air to c++ and dear imgui. It’s still a work in progress
This week I continued working on Ride and actually solved the lagging rendering on Windows! This has lead to putting the other backends on ice and soon will result in me working on actual ride features again, but before I can do that I’ll probably upgrade the current dependencies.