This blog is a try to me keep motivates and a way to see my progress on my current projects. Let’s see how it goes!
Gustav Jansson
This week I started a project cleaning up core in euphoria. No progress really, mostly just working on tools that should make the process easier.
This week I’ve mostly been playing cyberpunk and not really been writing much code, slightly considering taking a pause on blaggen because I’ve not had the motivation to work on it even though I want to, so perhaps a break and work on another project for some time is in order?
This week I worked on my json library, trying to get it to parse sexpr like expressions with []
in json. Next step is to be able to pretty print it like a sexpr but I think I should work on other aspects and libraries first before. So I can focus my time and energy on things I’ll have use for in the near future
This week I watched alot of talks and collected all my notes into my talk-notes repo
Has it been another week already? I mostly watched talks this week, and read up on hot reloading using websockets on both the js and the c# side. For next week I should really start implementing it so I can move on to the more fun stuff.
This week was a family and friends week. Nothing much happened on the coding front.
This week I pretty much got lost in watching talks and didn’t write a single line of code.
This week I mostly watched youtube and being tired due to the heat. Hopefully next week I will have more energy.
This week I mostly did research for hot reload and watched various youtube videos. I also discovered that chat-gpt is pretty good tool for brainstorming different names for games. Great for various working titles but I don’t think any will be final.
This week I completed the tags feature and mostly completed the live server for the blaggen project.