
This blog is a try to me keep motivates and a way to see my progress on my current projects. Let’s see how it goes!

Week 46
19 November 2023

This week I spent on cleaning up the klotter code and basically completing all todos that I’ve found preparing for the new features that are coming in the next weeks.

Week 45
9 November 2023

This week I pushed clang-format settings and formatted the klotter code. I also started on running and fxing issues in my include order tool from workbench, it’s almost done but I might end up removing it if I can make clang-format do the work, time will tell.

Week 44
5 November 2023

This week I started on a basic documentation module and a data for a generating argument/parameters for a wordcloud for workbench.

Week 43
29 October 2023

This week I continued the work on workbench, adding a “code history histogram” and started running it on linux and fixing a few linux specific issues.

Week 42
23 October 2023

This week I continued work on workbench, cleaning up code and implementing more spectre console features

Week 41
15 October 2023

This week I integrated the dotnet workbench changes into main and fixed a few style issues in euphoria that apparently have been there for quite a while

Week 40
8 October 2023

This week I added a callgraph and initial CodeCity implementation to workbench. CodeCity is still a work in progress, but fun/cool enough to warrant me spending the next week, and probably a bit more, on merging the dotnet branch to main so that’s probably what I will spend the next few weeks on.

Week 39
1 October 2023

This week I continued the euphoria refactoring, just minor things left (I hope)

Week 37
17 September 2023

This week I did some small refactoring in euphoria and played cyberpunk.

Week 36
10 September 2023

This week I didn’t do much, partly due to getting a fever and a cough on friday and through the weekend so I’m kinda excused :)