
This blog is a try to me keep motivates and a way to see my progress on my current projects. Let’s see how it goes!

2 October 2017

This week I started on rewriting ride in rust. From the ground up. I have some really basic custom input control in the GTK build, but I’ll need to get a proper text rendering system up before I can continue. I also started working on a 3d level editor that I need for any game. Not much progress as I just grabbed the demo application and started removing things from it.

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25 September 2017

This week I continued on the continuous integration and fixed some image coordinate bugs.

18 September 2017

This week I added a linux build on Travis CI and a Windows build on Appveyour. The linux build runs my unit tests and the windows currently only builds. Testing comes later.

10 September 2017

This week I didnt do that much. I sorted game ideas, and other non-game ideas. The most actual development I did was when I created a git alias to list all commit messages and created a wordcloud of it.

6 September 2017

This week I continued on the rect and image refactoring, added a few image drawing tests and added base64 support so I can test image loading without being dependent on actual files. Finally I updated the dear imgui library to get access to the new color widget.

1 September 2017

This week I continued working on the engine, loading advanced meshes, default textures in the shader and replaced google test in favour of catch. At the weekend I participated in kenney jam and made a breakout clone in unity.

20 August 2017

This week I was back on work and even though my time was more limited, I still managed to do a little bit on the “engine”. I added clang-tidy and clang-format as a optional step in the build process. I then continued on fixing almost all the error that clang-tidy found. That took the better part of the week. Then I added basic lightning to the engine demo.

14 August 2017

After several days I’m back home and back to roughly the same posting shedule. I spent the lasat vacation week with working on “the engine” and it is slowly getting there, but as I get back to work I expect things to slow down quite a bit.

12 August 2017

This week I continued working on the “engine”, but I dont think I’ll be able to use it on my next jam as time is slowly running out.

4 August 2017

This week I mostly spent on binge watching Agents of Shield (again), and did some real world stuff, however I decided that I’d want to use my own 3d engine for my next game jam, so I spent a significant part of the weekend on this engine. I’m hoping that it will be in a useful state for the Kenney jam on a month.