
This blog is a try to me keep motivates and a way to see my progress on my current projects. Let’s see how it goes!

10 December 2017

Game is shaping up. Not much left now. I’m hoping for a release next week or the week after that, before x-mas at least.

10 December 2017

This week I found a few assets and started combining them in unity. Given that it’s a small game, it shouldnt take that long to complete. Fingers crossed.

28 November 2017

This week I pretty much continued on star collector. It’s progressing nicely and I’m hoping that it will be done before or arount X-mas.

23 November 2017

This week I decided I should actually complete my older projects colelcting dust, so I took an old project of mine, starcollector, and started polishing it. I hope that I can actually complete it this time.

18 November 2017

This week I didnt do much at all. I pretty much just watched random episodes of How I Met Your Mother.

9 November 2017

This week I implemented the ray-sphere collision, and tested it by highlightin all the intersections. I realized that a simple check such as this would be suitable for clicking on the closest object so I need to implement more acurate ray collisions.

29 October 2017

This week I finished implementing the aabb collison check, but realized that I probably need a sphere/ray intersection instead as that would work regardless of the rotation of the object.

28 October 2017

This week I completed the basic outline feature to each actor/mesh so I can highlight the current selected tile/actor in t3d. I also started work on getting a ray so I can actually select.

17 October 2017

This week I actually did a little work on t3d. I started on a tile library and fixed a problem with the mesh loader in euphoria. I loaded the ambient color and assimp defaulted to a black ambient, but since most models only specify diffuse I added a option to assume the ambient color is the same as the diffuse color.

10 October 2017

This week I was lazy and didn’t do much. I rediscovered agents of shield and spent way to much time watching episodes I’ve already seen. Then I spent some time on t3d, but way way less than I wanted.