This blog is a try to me keep motivates and a way to see my progress on my current projects. Let’s see how it goes!
Gustav Jansson
This week I completed the scrip bind system replacement. Now I can finally focus on adding more features.
This week I continued on writing the wrapper. It is pretty much almost done now. I know I said it was going to be done this week, but what can I say, things took longer than expected :)
This week I continued on writing a wrapper to replace dukglue. I fall goes well it should be completed next week.
This week I started on replacing dukglue, my javascrip engine wrapper with a custom wrapper. While it is not completed yet, I got a good feeling about this.
This week I added a crash display, so that the game enters a “blue screen” instead of crashing. At first I used my own built in debug print but then I replaced it with the much nicer dear imgui display. I also moved my duktape wrapper to core and started reasearching into replacing dukglue with a custom much simpler system.
This week I didnt do much since I started watching season 2 of Jessica Jones.
This week I finished up the basic javascript test that I wrote last week, and after two days of struggling on how to design the API I just went ahead and added the bare minimum input handling: keyboard buttons. Sooner or later I have to figure out how I should handle joysticks, gamepads, touch controls, vr controls, virtual buttons on touch controls etc. etc, but so far the everything is data driven, so I guess that’s nice.
This week I fixed the javascript issue I was having. Still considering to write my own custom library, but that will have to wait. Now it’s 10 weeks until ludum dare so I have to get a move on if I want to use my framework for the game jam.
This week I still mostly recovered from the flue. When I actually managed to find the time to code, I fought the duktype/dukglue registration of custom classes. Currently I’m considering discarding dukglue and writing my own simpler version.
This week I worked on the entity system integration. It still isn’t complete but it’s getting there.