
This blog is a try to me keep motivates and a way to see my progress on my current projects. Let’s see how it goes!

Week 27
8 July 2018

This week I finished the viewport logic, and started looking at how to handle objects getting outside of the view. Not uch but I also binged luke cage season 2, so pretty ok progress considering.

Week 26
1 July 2018

This week I spent on watching luke cage season 2, adding enum support to imgui option for gaf, fixed the issue with not resusing ids and started on writing viewport handling. The latter is not quite finished yet, but it’s getting there.

Week 25
24 June 2018

This week consisted mostly of real life stuff, but I managed to fix a few gaf related things. Next week should hopefulle be more productive.

Week 24
17 June 2018

This week I continued work on the editor and gaf and it’s finally getting near completion.

Week 23
10 June 2018

This week I threw out the wx scimed/ninepatch editor and have now a improved dear imgui version of it. There still are some non imgui like parts from the ported code but things are looking better. I just started on the imgui extension for gaf, and after that is completed I can work on saving json so I can close this chapter.

Week 22
3 June 2018

This week I mostly finished the move from protobuf to gaf. I still can’t save gaf files, but that will come after I throw out the current wxWidgets based editor, and that’s what I’m working on now.

Week 21
27 May 2018

This week I contintued the work on my protobuf replacement library, gaf, and actually started on replacing protobuf in euphoria. I hope that by the time of the next devlog I have finished the refactoring.

Week 20
21 May 2018

This week I basically just went through the entire list of errors that clang-tidy can detect and decided what to use, and what to ignore, and fixed several warnings. Then I continued workin on my protobuf replacement library, gaf, that I started ages ago. Hopefully within a week or two I can replace protobuf in euphoria soon.

Week 19
13 May 2018

This week I completed the component system, and added a way to both create and remove objects dynamically, though my current system for referencing script objects is lacking, so I need to fix that next week before things starts to get out of hand.

Week 18
6 May 2018

This week I started on creating objects dynamically but it seems that I need to replace my component/entity engine first. I was planning to do so anyway since I dont like how it integrates with script defined components, but I thought this was something to do later. I guess not.