
This blog is a try to me keep motivates and a way to see my progress on my current projects. Let’s see how it goes!

Week 37
16 September 2018

This week I implemented a really basic arpegiator to my synth project, and spent the remainder catching a cold, catching up on my MCU and Season 2 of Iron Fist while getting and recovering from a fever and said cold.

Week 36
10 September 2018

This week I was back on synth programming. I implemented polyphonics and a basic envelope.

Week 35
3 September 2018

This week I did some work on my synth project, starting to refactor the keyboard input from the actual sound synth so I can play with midi input some time in the future. I also made a skateboarding, mail delivery game for the gmtk2018 game jam called Skate and die. The name is obviously a nod to the classic “Skate or die” but what can you do when you get an idea that absolutly must be created?

Read the rest...

Week 34
26 August 2018

This week I started working again. I did a little work on my software synth and my dotfiles management util/script. In less than a week is the gmtk gamejam and I’m getting hyped.

Week 33
19 August 2018

This week I started on software synth, and participated in game jam but didn’t really finish it :( On the upside is I added a feature to the assimp library and terminal application that I soon hopefully will add via a pull request.

Week 32
13 August 2018

This week I mostly spend relaxing and real life stuff. I made a few small games in godot and started on switching my main system from ubuntu to arch.

Week 31
5 August 2018

This week was my first vacation and I added a OnInit function and creation arguments to the the create function in euphoria. I also, in preperation of the upcomming gamejams, started to play around with godot a bit and started on a smaller platformer test/game thing.

Week 30
29 July 2018

This week a heatwave struck, so I didn’t really do much. I started on the OnInit callback, but that’s pretty much it.

Week 29
22 July 2018

This week I made it so that shots are destroyed when the have left the viewport. I also started laying the grounds for adding a init function for when creating entities.

Week 28
15 July 2018

This week I merged the from all various applications in the euphoria framework, extracting all the copy-paste code into another utility file. I also finally came up with how to best handle how to check for when objects are outside the viewport, so that should be done soon.