
This blog is a try to me keep motivates and a way to see my progress on my current projects. Let’s see how it goes!

Week 52
30 December 2018

This week I added color functions to euphoria, and continued my work on dotfiles and installing arch and i3 on my test machine.

Week 51
25 December 2018

This week I really didn’t do much. I mostly did xmas things and a little bit of dot file tweakings.

Week 50
17 December 2018

This week I mostly spent on configuring colors and vim. I continued on fel but no major contribution yet.

Week 49
9 December 2018

This week I continued work on my tiny scriping engine, but most of my time was spent on either netflix or tweaking colors in my terminals/dotfiles.

Week 48
2 December 2018

This week I relaxed from the kodsnack spelsylt gamejam. Apprently I came third, so yay me. I also started on my own scripting language called fel. A mix between typescript and lua. I’m gonna try and apply the same commtiment I used for the kodsylt, that is lets see how much I can acchieve during 2 weeks.

Week 47
26 November 2018

This week I continued my participation in the kodsnack spelsylt gamejam. While I’m proud of what I have achieved I might continue on and actually complete the game. It feels pretty good to play and I like the style of the game.

Week 46
18 November 2018

This week I worked on my kodsnack gamejam entry. I mostly going well but I think I might have failed to estimate how much it will take to create a platformer in my free time.

Week 45
11 November 2018

This week I really didn’t do much. Real life I suppose got in the way. I did a little prejam practice and kinda started on a platformer in love2d.

Week 44
4 November 2018

This week I pretty much only fixed compile errors from the point/vector refactor/renaming from last week. It’s almost done, so Im hoping the comming week will be a bit more productive.

Week 43
28 October 2018

This week I fixed and cleaned up the windows build, removed libraries that aren’t and shouldnt be used, I wrote a custom typeinfo code and made ctti optional. Finally I started on a refactor of the vector classes.