
This blog is a try to me keep motivates and a way to see my progress on my current projects. Let’s see how it goes!

Week 20
19 May 2019

This week I didn’t work on the json reader as I was supposed to. Instead I worked on my bezier editor. Ideally I want the json reader complete before the end on may and a stable API a week before, so by the end of next week…

Week 19
12 May 2019

This week I continued cleaning up the json library, writing tests and stuff. At the end I started refactoring/moving code around in euphoria.

Week 18
6 May 2019

This week I continued on my json library, making it ready for the 1.0 release in a few weeks.

Week 17
29 April 2019

This week I spent on improving my command line argument parser, though I noticed at the end of the week I might be able to replace my code with a library.

Week 16
21 April 2019

This week I mostly spend on maze generation. I implemnted 2 maze generation algorithms and one cave generator.

Week 15
14 April 2019

This week I mostly spent on watching love, death and robots. I managed to write some on my arch/i3 setup but nothing much

Week 14
7 April 2019

This work I mostly watched netflix, but I did manage to update my aur script a little bit more.

Week 13
31 March 2019

This week I continued on my arch config quest. I updated my aur tool to be able to write updated dependencies per install instead of globally. It now also can tell the git commits between when you last wrote and the latest. I started writing a tool to create a new localized mirrors file based on the official one. Finally I started writing on a simple script to extract pngs at various resolutions from a svg file.

Read the rest...

Week 12
24 March 2019

This week I did a little on the json library but most of my time has either been spent on watch netflix and updating my arch installation. I switched over to dimming inactive windows and hiding the titlebar to get more screen estate and with the current compton settings, things actually look pretty.

Week 11
17 March 2019

This week I started writing a json parser. I spent a little time on my AUR script, and wrote a script to randomly select a background. THere is still a few things to fix on my arch/i3 config before I can actually switch to it, on oh boy I am longing for the switch.