
This blog is a try to me keep motivates and a way to see my progress on my current projects. Let’s see how it goes!

Week 33
16 August 2020

This week I started working on tred, my temporary 3d engine. Nothing much got done since it’s currently superhot and I’m sitting behind a fan, and I’ve decided that for next year I’m getting myself an AC for the appartment cause this is unbearable. Until next time…

Week 32
9 August 2020

This week I didn’t do much, but after much consideration I moved all the euphoria source to a src folder so that the project root is a bit cleaner.

Week 31
2 August 2020

Theese past weeks I spent in the hospital and recovering from said experience. Nothing major was done really mostly config/dotfiles changes. Hopefully I will get back to euphoria I netflix will stop interfering :)

Week 26
28 June 2020

This week I mostly watched netfix and such but I did manage to implement a simple fill tool for the pixel image editor.

Week 25
21 June 2020

This week I changed to my main computer, started transfering my old from google code to github, and finally started working on euphoria again. This time I started working on a custom pixel editing program. It’s far from finished but I hope that it can be useful in a few weeks time for the GMTK game jam.

Week 24
14 June 2020

This week I ported a old anagram application from c# to python, I published and updated old “engines”, one called hmtest and one called pwn-engine, so I could run them, but it turns out that none of them was that advanced. I also installed arch on my main, so either this week or the next my transition to arch will be complete

Week 23
7 June 2020

This week I started refactoring bbcalc so it could in the future handle generating truth tables, and I physically moved things around so I now use arch as my main computer. It will probably be a week or two until I install it on my main machine, but not too long since this hardware isn’t really health…

Week 22
31 May 2020

This week I completed my kodsnack gamejam, and started on porting one of my filemover programs from c#+winforms to python+curses

Week 21
24 May 2020

This week I installed arch on a desktop and started working on my entry for the 2 week kodsnack spelsylt gamejam

Week 20
17 May 2020

This week I started on a lsp interface for fel.