This blog is a try to me keep motivates and a way to see my progress on my current projects. Let’s see how it goes!
Gustav Jansson
This week I switched tred to pitchfork layout and refactored it. I also spent most of my time on the ‘kittens game’, what a time waster.
This week I looked into the markov-chains parts of euphoria (again), refactored a bit and expanded with a “line” test, a bit of fun really. I also thought about how I want to lay out the vertex attributes in tred. It currently is 100% dynamic butit will be easier if it’s static. A few days I ago I was sure I wanted a 50/50 approach but since I have to deal with all the dynamic issues anyway I might as well benefit from the potential space spacing and use 100% dynamic attributes. Time will tell what I’ll decide.
This week I worked both a little on ride(scrolling in fileview and expanding folders) and a little bit on tred(refactored profiling and added a plane mesh). Hopefully next week I make some decent progress on tred as I want to get it to a usefule state before the end of the year.
This week I added cmdlet to new ride and converted euphoria to the pitchfork layout
This week I refactored the scrolling code and started work on the command palette.
This week I continued working on ride… and not much else happened :)
This week I resurected ride and started implementing it more or less from scratch. Well, less wx and more custom so not from scratch, hopefully by the end of next week I can soon integrate most of the old code that still is relevant.
This week I started work on the inerpreter part of the fel language/implementation and a little bit of constexpr for the euphoria engine. Most of the week however has been planning for the new appartment.
This week I continued work on fel, since I realized that it would be great if I could have the interpreter run scripts and functions this year and let the “fast” of the language come later but keeping the api the same.
This week I started working on basic profiler for tred, I picked up euphoria and started cleaning up the cmake setup and continued work on gaf so that it’s more streamlined faster testing and contains the features that I want in euphoria