
This blog is a try to me keep motivates and a way to see my progress on my current projects. Let’s see how it goes!

Week 14
11 April 2021

This week I realized that lua perhaps could be a good candidate for scripting language, so I updated the lua fork to the lastest master.

Week 13
5 April 2021

This week I started updating my script-test since I have recently found myself in need of a better scripting language. I also took the plunge and started making a small textbased game in typescript and react.

Week 12
28 March 2021

This week I started on clang-tidying euphoria. I probably should complete the tred before gettting back to euphoria…

Week 11
21 March 2021

This week I mostly been watching netflix but I did started to clean up my bookscript

Week 10
14 March 2021

This week I continued to work on the book script. It’s actually getting close to completion now. A few smaller things left but the only major is only generating a ebook file from the source

Week 09
7 March 2021

Haha. No rendering work this week. Instead I updated my infofile to more modern parsing without flex/bison and started updating my script for creating e-books. That is also mostly done so I can get back to working on rendering in tred

Week 08
28 February 2021

This week I completed my c# port and continued on input for tred. A few things left before it’s done for this round but soon I can continue working on the rendering again.

Wekk 07
21 February 2021

This week I started porting my c# engine ‘simple engine’ from 2009 to c++.

Week 06
14 February 2021

This week I found a opensource tracer so I started porting it to c++. I then realized I need to load js like json files and started to update my json loader.

Week 05
7 February 2021

This week I have been working on game controller implementation. First I wrote most of one implementation and then removed that in favor of a more-code but less complex solution.