This blog is a try to me keep motivates and a way to see my progress on my current projects. Let’s see how it goes!
Gustav Jansson
This week I started writing on the blog post that will become the second chapter of “clean code”. Should be up sometimes next week. I spent most of the weekend with running clang-tidy and porting my clang-tidy script to workbench, mostly because I wanted a html report now that I’ve seen how pretty the header hero report looks :)
This week I continued working on the header hero port for workbench and actually started using it for small refactorings in euphoria. All that work is finally starting to pay off :)
This week I completed the checkincludes part of workbench. Now I can pickup where I left with the other header command, or perhaps integrate header hero. Decisions… decisions.
This week I mostly wrote a blog post about Clean Code Chapter 2. I found a project called Header Hero that I might incorporate into my own header tool and started to refactor euphoria core library so I can get a better flow/structure and in preparation of the introduction of PCHs. Hopefully all will get the compilation times down to some form manageable levels.
This week I fixed the last of the compiler warnings. Now euphoria builds without warnings on w4/Wall+extra. Next up to complete would proabably be to port the last of the build scripts and fix any warnings in euphoria that they will find.
This week I started working on reducing the ammount of warnings euphoria generated. Thees things sometimes feels like whac-a-mole squishing warnings in clang and then find some new in msvc but it’s moving along.
This week I continued working on my port of python code and I’m currently working on the “most common headers for a c++ file” tool, useful for determining what files to add to a pch
This week I watched alot of netflix, relaxed and continued porting the python scripts to rust.
This week I started porting the build scripts from python to rust.
This week I spent on cleaning up and refactoring euphoria code. Getting real close to zero warnings in clang-tidy