
This blog is a try to me keep motivates and a way to see my progress on my current projects. Let’s see how it goes!

Week 22
6 June 2022

This week I completed the render queue implementation and added PCH to tred speeding up the compilation to a third of what it was before.

Week 21
29 May 2022

This week I continued refactoring tred to a engine and it’s now “done” in a runnable state. There is way more things to be done for sure, but for now at least most of the raw opengl calls have been refactored away into a render queue.

Week 20
22 May 2022

This week I continued refactoring tred main to what can be called a rendering engine.

Week 19
15 May 2022

This week I started cleaning up tred and started preparing it so that it can be made into a proper rendering engine

Week 18
9 May 2022

This week I mostly spent on investigating better ways to structure the renderer and how to animate a third person character

Week 17
1 May 2022

This week I added code coverage to the uphoria build and started compiling ride codebase again after it has been on ice for a while. I’m going to test replacing the bitblit quad rendering with a simple OpenGL rendering. It should solve all the scaling issues that the current bitblit solution has.

Week 16
25 April 2022

This week I refactored the polybezier widget control along with part of the api and how to launch a simple dear imgui app.

Week 15
17 April 2022

This week I started cleaning up the polygon and polybezier api for euphoria

Week 14
10 April 2022

This week I finished working on the t3d editor camera.

Week 13
3 April 2022

This week I continued working on the camera, completing the pan function.