This blog is a try to me keep motivates and a way to see my progress on my current projects. Let’s see how it goes!
Gustav Jansson
This week I started work on the yearly review of what I’ve done the last year. Among other things I’ve work on was creating the clang-tidy html report and trying to get ride/pony, removing the rust and gui focus and getting it to a useful state where I can dogfeed it.
This week, last year, I started replacing the depndency on external coverage reports by also publishing the html report. The next year I continued with showing a the code city of the current euphoria and displaying the clang-tidy warnings on the demo html page. I also caught a fever that I’m recovring from so that’s perhaps why I haven’t worked on instancing, maybe next week… :)
Last week of the year, but still 2-ish more days of completing the instacing API. Other than not working on instancing I’ve been working on cleaning up euphoria for the car game. I think one of my new years resolutions will be making and publishing the car game is some way or another.
Almost end of the year, I didn’t work on instancing but I did some big changes in euphoria. I “removed” pretty much everything and started refactoring the base project. I bumped the unbuntu CI builder and with the new linter comes a new list of warnings to fix or silence. When that is done I can start working on the new dear imgui based editor app with undo/redo support, at least until the 3d rendering is “done”. My goal before the end of the year is to finally complete the instancing.
Instancing has been pused back a week or so. This week I’ve more or less just worked on cleaning up the altdevblog for a alpha publication, hopefully before xmas.
I haven’t completed instancing but wrote a first revision of the user facing api so all I have left is actually implementing it :)
This week I started to get back into klotter and actually upgraded the glad and opengl version to be the latest that my machines support. I also continued on my kdl project, I’m somewhat considering to replace json with kdl in euphoria. next week will be the day I implement in klotter, I promise!
Countrary to my plans I didn’t really do much this week, mostly just some simple extension to the workbench/buidl project to display statistics on the files you’re about to commit. Next week, for sure this time, I need to continue on klotter and get instancing working
This week I sent another email to Mike Acton about my flipcode clone, hoping this results in a better response than twitter DM (:/) otherwise I mmostly worked on flipcode. I was going to get back into rendering but for one reason or another it didn’t happen this weekend either. Perhaps next week. I’m really keen on working on the arcade car game.
This week I continued work on understanding the portal sample, started converting flipcode to markdown and slowly started to work on klotter again