This week I ported the 100 rabbits application dotgrid to typescript (for fun) and continued the work on klotter.

Gustav Jansson
Welcome to my lair.
Latest devlogs
This week I mostly watched star trek. I did some small things on euph and made the FSE, full screen effect, optional. After sleeping on it, and thinking about it for a day I probably going to remove the option to toggle the FSE as it didn’tappear to affect loading time as much as I thought it would, and the if complicates a already complicated code base. March and April is supposed to be when I work on the 3d rendering and to that end I did look at instancing again and I now think that it will be easier to implement than I initially thought, perhaps I’m going to get it done next week …if I don’t spend so much time watching star trek :D
This week I more or less comleted the rest of the base sprint and can continue with the 3d rendering phase. It has slowly started and the next step is excluding and removing complexity and then, finally, instancing…
Latest blog posts
Another year full of devlogs and another review of what I have achieved and failed to achieve.
workbench, euphoria, gaf and json
Workbench started out as a repo of various build scripts, but is now a single tool for running all those “scripts”. This year I ported everything from rust to c# and scoured my repos for other tools to integrate it into the code base.
One of the big reasons for choosing C# is so that I can use the spectre project to get a nicer cli. The other big reason is that I use c# as a language for work so I’m very familiar with it. I can also use resharper to clean up the code and do major refactorings, that wasn’t really possible with the rust or the python version.
In November of last year I noticed that the time it took to process inputs in Ride was way too high, almost a full second between each key input and for a text editor that’s unbearable. I tried to tweak the event handling but nothing helped and lost motivation, put the project on ice and started working on other things.
About 3 weeks ago the motivation came back and I started hacking and refactoring on the code to support multiple “backends” for rendering and handling input. Currently it’s using OpenGL but I previously had both a wxWidgets and a software renderer backend so it was “only” a matter of bringing them back from the depths of the git history.
I recently realized that I’ve been writing my devlog since 2017 but I have never compiled all the devblogs into a longer post starting from today. I’ll summarize and write a smallish review of what I’ve done on all my hobby projects the past year.
Euphoria is my hobby game engine and to much surprise I did a couple of cool things related to it.
Code wise I’ve continued to code cleanup (replacing streams with fmt), both warnings and enabled warning-as-errors(with w4/Wall+extra), I also added both a clang-tidy and coverage step on github actions so I can keep the code clean and strive towards a 100% coverage for the core. Added a PCH cut the compilation time by roughly 66%.